Friday, September 20, 2013

4A: One day it will pay off

One thing most little kids hate having to wait for is to grow up. They say they can’t wait until they’re in charge of themselves, and they constantly talk about what they’re going to be when they’re grown up. What they don’t think about are the challenges and obstacles they’ll have to face and overcome to get there. There was a period of time where I was like these children, in a rush to grow up, but I eventually came to my senses once the reality started to hit. By the time I was fifteen I already wished I could be little again and just go back to the times where everything was much simpler.

In high school most people my age would always say “ugh, I’m so sick of this school can’t wait till we’re out of this place!”, but unlike them I didn’t want it to end because I knew things were only going to become more serious and difficult once it was over. Now that I graduated high school and I am a full time matriculated college student the biggest thing I expect will be worth waiting for is my career. Some people decided to skip college and go directly into the work field but I know that by becoming educated for a better job it will pay off further down the road. My family was never financially stable and growing up I always hoped to work towards a successful career so that I could avoid those problems in my own future and stay away from the same mistakes my parents made. I’m going to have to wait and see how things turn out, so hopefully I have enough patience.

 Patience is something we Americans are criticized for not having, unfortunately there are several factors that make this suggestion appear to be true. Our society is constantly inventing shortcuts and coming out with new technology to reduce workload, effort, and waiting time. These days you barely have to leave your house for anything anymore you could check your bank account and deposit checks online, shop online, pay bills online, get food delivery, video chat, use laundry services, and endless other possibilities. We shouldn’t get into the habit of always having everything come so easily to us because it doesn’t give us the chance to build skills and experience associated with delayed gratification.

All things being considered it has been determined that the ability to delay gratification is an excellent one to obtain. We are faced with difficult decisions every day and having strong willpower is an important factor in making the right ones. In order to improve we must work towards building the essential skills as “Resistance Training for your ‘willpower’ muscles” suggests “if practice doesn't make perfect, then at least it makes progress”. If we truly want to be successful we must think ahead instead of just thinking in the spur of the moment and also put effort into our work instead of just constantly taking shortcuts.
Unless its a marshmallow then in that case you might wanna look away.

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