A CC is a community coordinator or more commonly known
as a RA (Resident Advisor). They are students that step up to a position of
higher leadership to help and to supervise students that live on campus. There
are usually two RA’s on each floor of every residence hall and they are there
to advise, inform, and communicate with the students that live on that floor. I
was interested in this so I asked my RA Esther Manu about the process. To
become an RA you must fill in an application and have the suggested
recommendations which can be found online or at The Office of Residence Life.
Then if you are accepted you must complete the Resident Advisor Training
Program. A couple of the benefits of being an RA are that it covers your
housing costs and it gives you experience of caring for others. However, it
does come with many responsibilities such as making sure everything stays under
control, attending meetings and conferences, and working at the front desk. You
also have to constantly be up to date with all the different policies, rules,
standards, news, and events.
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